79. How about a radical rethink?

Do you like having your thinking challenged? I read a book a while back called ‘Rework’ by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson and it did just that. It’s amazing how we hear phrases that are used so often, they begin to become part of our belief system. Sometimes, just like the value of ministering in the opposite spirit, we need to rework some of the ways we think about life.  Here are a few phrases to start Read more about 79. How about a radical rethink?[…]

73. Are you leading a tribe?

A few years ago, according to Seth Godin, we began to enter a new era that is all about “Tribes” – he wrote a book by the same name.  I would like to share with you some of his thoughts, mixed with a few of my own.  A tribe is defined as a group of people that have something in common that they are passionate about.  Godin tells us that a tribe needs only two Read more about 73. Are you leading a tribe?[…]

65. Are you aware of your shadow mission?

We all have a purpose of being here on earth.  As soon as we come to the Lord and often even before, we can have a sense of destiny and anointing for certain activities, tasks or callings.  In order to fulfil these callings there is a preparation phase in our life where we develop our gifts and character.  So if you are still breathing God has a mission for you to fulfill. The first ‘Star Read more about 65. Are you aware of your shadow mission?[…]

64. Does your passion need restoring?

Passion appears to be a force that moves people beyond ordinary human activities.  Some seem to have had it all their lives, others find it grows on them.  Sometimes you have it for a while and then lose it.  One thing is for sure – you know when you have it and quite aware when you don’t. As soon as I was old enough, I received a chemistry set for my birthday.  I loved creating Read more about 64. Does your passion need restoring?[…]

56. Are you in danger of Mission Drift

I was struck by the statement in Peter Greer and Chris Horst’s book, Mission Drift, that says, “It’s the exception that an organisation stays true to its mission.” They made it clear that the unfortunate natural evolution of many originally Christ- centred missions is to drift. I touched on this topic some months ago with regard to our values and made mention of the fact that in physics a theory for drift is called the Read more about 56. Are you in danger of Mission Drift[…]

54. How about making time to evaluate and dream for this year?

At the beginning of a new year, it’s a great opportunity of thinking about your life past, present and future and this letter is dedicated to help you in that process. Challenge: I want to start this letter by bringing a challenge to you of putting aside a morning, a short time each morning of this week or better still if you can give a whole day to think, evaluate, dream, prioritise and decide what Read more about 54. How about making time to evaluate and dream for this year?[…]

52. Developing a value-driven culture?

The second law of thermodynamics states that everything swerves to rot or put more nicely, tends towards decline. Mission drift is that law lived out in an organisation. Mission drift is inevitable if we are not intentional about maintaining two things: keeping a clear focus of our vision and purpose, and communicating and continually living out in practical ways our values. We have a set of values in YWAM – it’s a list of 18 Read more about 52. Developing a value-driven culture?[…]

49. Have you moved into the second half of life?

How can you be productive and be seeing fruit from your life and yet not feel satisfied? How can you be full of achievements and successful and yet feel bored or unfulfilled? Have you been asking, “Isn’t there something more?” You have probably been seeing a lot of football lately with the World Cup taking place in Brazil. It’s a game that takes 90 minutes but is split into two halves of 45 minutes each Read more about 49. Have you moved into the second half of life?[…]

41. Planning to finish well?

As we move into the last month of this year, it’s a good reminder for us to finish this year well. However this month’s topic goes beyond this month and is concerned about finishing our life well. If you are reading this letter and you are still in your 20’s or 30’s you might think – finishing, I am only just starting, this isn’t for me! Well surprise, surprise, it actually is. You can’t start Read more about 41. Planning to finish well?[…]

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