Do you use your right brain enough?

I am involved in a six-week leadership development course right now in Romania which has been fun, creative and life changing. But let me backtrack for a moment and think about the month before all this began. Putting a course together with manuals for every topic you teach, working online with the staff, deciding who will be teaching what aspects of the course, finalising schedules, and gathering all the materials needed, working through all the Read more about Do you use your right brain enough?[…]

Is God in control?

In February, YWAM experienced its biggest tragedy in our 60 year history, with 11 leaders dying in a bus crash in Tanzania. The following weeks have involved caring for survivors and repatriating them, organising funerals and memorials, debriefing those who lost loved ones and friends and those on the ground as it happened. It has been a very sad and lamenting time for the YWAM world. The big question is how do we pray and Read more about Is God in control?[…]

Do you ever say, ‘I will be happy when…?’

‘My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things. And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.’ James 1:2-4 Read more about Do you ever say, ‘I will be happy when…?’[…]

Am I successful?

Defining success proves challenging, as its meaning varies among individuals. Commonly, it is perceived as achieving goals or fulfilling potential, yet the nature of these goals differs widely. In Western traditions, success is often tied to wealth, power, and position. Ruth Haley Barton recently wrote an article on re-thinking success. She quotes a pastor sharing his experience: “I retired a year ago from one of several consecutive positions as associate or senior pastor.  I retired Read more about Am I successful?[…]

Do you set goals for personal growth?

Happy new year to you. I am a self-confessed goal setter. I have had this habit for many years and as I look back over my journey, I have seen many goals reached. But I am also aware of the failures in the process. Failure is part of growth, and we need to build resilience to push through the failures and press on to see the development we long for. Any research scientist will tell Read more about Do you set goals for personal growth?[…]

How easy is it for me to forgive?

After a long shift at the fire department, Matt Swatzell fell asleep while driving and crashed into another vehicle, taking the life of pregnant mother June Fitzgerald and injuring her 19-month-old daughter. According to ‘Today magazine’, Fitzgerald’s husband, a full-time pastor, asked for the man’s diminished sentence—and began meeting with Swatzell for coffee and conversation. Many years later, the two men remain close. “You forgive as you’ve been forgiven,” Fitzgerald told Today. So, how do we Read more about How easy is it for me to forgive?[…]

Are you weak enough to be a leader?

At an ordination ceremony the bishop asked: ‘Is this man weak enough to be a priest?’ He meant that only if he was aware of his frailty would he become a man of prayer and live out his ministry in trust and dependence on God. In our society, exhibiting weakness is often seen as a sign of failure. We are taught from a young age to be strong, independent, and self-sufficient, and to never show Read more about Are you weak enough to be a leader?[…]

Is Integrity really that important for a leader?

Growing up in London, I used to love going on holiday to the seaside resorts in the UK and they all had ‘sticks of rock’ – candy for the Americans reading this. The name of the resort was all through the stick, no matter where you broke it. It might have been easier to just put a label on the end of the stick of rock but no, it’s there throughout the length of the Read more about Is Integrity really that important for a leader?[…]

Do you want to be strategic? Here are 7 tools to help you do just that!

I have always liked strategy games. It’s been a long time since I played a game of chess though. It really amazes me that grandmasters can see 15 to 20 moves ahead if given enough time. When it comes to living our lives though, and planning our ministry, we often live by default. We let life happen to us rather than identifying our passion, establishing a focus and stepping out with initiative as we move into Read more about Do you want to be strategic? Here are 7 tools to help you do just that![…]

Are you building community through small groups?

We have been in Canada for two years at the end of this month and in Calgary for eighteen months. When we arrived from Europe, we were living with my brother-in-law and his wife  in community. We took it in turns to cook meals and enjoyed long and sometimes deep discussions over the meal table. Over the next six months we met a lot of people but our community didn’t really expand. In moving to Read more about Are you building community through small groups?[…]

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