Are you in your element?

I have just read ‘the element’ by Ken Robinson and found it stimulating and enlightening. I have précised some of his key points in this article – here’s what the back cover of the book shares: A teenage boy goes through school, and nobody thinks he has any particular musical talent. He goes on to be one of the most famous musicians in the world. A nine-year-old girl is thought to have a learning disorder. Read more about Are you in your element?[…]

Have you considered using your values as an evaluation tool?

Some years ago, I was asked to help a church planting team with their mission statement and strategy. I love this kind of assignment and so happily met with the team for a couple of days. The vision became clear as we dialogued together, and a plan began to emerge as to how they were going to implement the church plant. Before we finished, I raised the important question of values for the team. They Read more about Have you considered using your values as an evaluation tool?[…]

Are you a lifelong learner?

Definition: Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. What Does it Mean to Be a Lifelong Learner: The book, ‘The three boxes of Life’ throws away the idea of learning, working and leisure as the three developmental phases that we all experience. Instead of graduating high school, getting a university degree and moving on to a lifetime of work before retiring, we are to learn, work Read more about Are you a lifelong learner?[…]

What are the pros and cons of term limits in YWAM leadership?

When we hear the phrase ‘term limits’ or ‘terms of office’ we generally think about government roles and they can vary greatly. In the United States, the President is limited to two four-year terms, while in the United Kingdom, there is no term limit for the Prime Minister, with general elections held every five years.   When we hear the phrase ‘term limits’ or ‘terms of office’ we generally think about government roles and they Read more about What are the pros and cons of term limits in YWAM leadership?[…]

Are you ready for unexpected disruption?

Happy new year! Rite and I have just enjoyed a wonderful advent season, the first in Calgary, our new home. During an advent message at church, we focused on Mary the mother of Jesus who is at the centre of the Christmas story. She was on a predictable journey in her simple life living in Nazareth as a teenage girl, preparing for marriage with Joseph. That simple life however, was suddenly disrupted by a visit Read more about Are you ready for unexpected disruption?[…]

What strategies do we employ for overcoming our anxiety?

1 peter 5:7 encourages us to ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.’ Sounds easy, doesn’t it? So why are we in an epidemic of people struggling with anxiety in all walks of life and especially in the younger generations.  We are all aware that the COVID season has developed widespread mental health issues among the whole population but perhaps there’s more to it. It has been suggested that Millennials and Read more about What strategies do we employ for overcoming our anxiety?[…]

What can we learn about leadership from the late great Queen Elizabeth ll?

Crowds lined the streets to honour this amazing Queen who has been in office for the last seventy years. So much has been said, so many affirmations given, so much respect; I want to add thoughts of leadership lessons I’ve read from the many who have loved, admired and been inspired by her. We cherish the memory of this truly great leader. Maintain calmness in the midst of change: The past seventy years have involved Read more about What can we learn about leadership from the late great Queen Elizabeth ll?[…]

YWAM ACTs (Area Circle Teams) – a new structure for new generations?

I recently read the metaphor which Jesus taught in Matthew 9:17 on ‘wine and wineskins.’ And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine, and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved. Every new generation enjoys new wine or a fresh approach to leadership. They require a new wineskin or structure that they feel comfortable with to serve their new passion. The latest generation is Read more about YWAM ACTs (Area Circle Teams) – a new structure for new generations?[…]

Which keys can unlock the impact your life or team has on others?

Patrick Winston, a respected MIT professor from the USA said, “Your success in life will be determined largely by your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas, in that order.” What do you think of that statement? In the west, we tend to be focused on our identity, our success, our legacy, and we enter the comparison game, reaching our goals, and making a name for ourselves. In contrast, Read more about Which keys can unlock the impact your life or team has on others?[…]

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