Are you a lifelong learner?

Definition: Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. What Does it Mean to Be a Lifelong Learner: The book, ‘The three boxes of Life’ throws away the idea of learning, working and leisure as the three developmental phases that we all experience. Instead of graduating high school, getting a university degree and moving on to a lifetime of work before retiring, we are to learn, work Read more about Are you a lifelong learner?[…]

110. How do you give and receive feedback?

What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘feedback’?  When was the last time you can remember receiving feedback where your response was, ‘that was very helpful’? And when was the last time you were affirmed by someone who was receiving feedback from you?  For many of us, we have to think very hard and long! Definition: Feedback is information about reactions or response to a product or programme, a person’s performance of Read more about 110. How do you give and receive feedback?[…]

23. Are you failing successfully?

When we read scripture, we discover people, who despite their failures, were great men and women of God. For instance, Abraham lied about his wife and almost lost her to the Pharaoh of Egypt. Isaac followed his father’s example and did exactly the same thing. Jacob deceived his brother out of his birthright, and his father into blessing him as the first born. Moses killed the Egyptian taskmaster and had to flee for his life. Read more about 23. Are you failing successfully?[…]

11. What’s your capacity?

Energy: We have an advert in the UK picturing a soft toy powered by batteries. The toy with Duracell batteries goes so much longer and further than the toy with normal batteries! That, of course, is why they can charge so much more for them. Some people similarly have more energy and capacity to do an enormous amount of projects and keep going at a fast pace. Everyone needs breaks and the ability to pace Read more about 11. What’s your capacity?[…]

02. Know Your Season

Since I have been living in Spain, knowing the summer season is an easy task. The summer has temperatures of 35-40 degrees with zero precipitation during the months of June, July and August. In comparison, when I was living in Scotland I couldn’t distinguish the summer season by whether there was rain or not – it was a constant companion! Seasons are part of life in the natural and each one has its own beauty. Read more about 02. Know Your Season[…]

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