84. How old am I emotionally?

“If you didn’t know when your birthday was, what age would you give yourself?”  The age you feel may very well be much younger than your number of years living, but that’s OK.  The real question is, are you the same age emotionally, as you are chronologically? If there is a tendency, and I think there is, it will be that we grow more slowly emotionally than physically! So, you can be 45 on your birthday and Read more about 84. How old am I emotionally?[…]

59. Is your personality showing?

I recently came away from a meeting feeling quite frustrated at the lack of process included in the decision making and spoke to another leader who was complaining about the lack of implications thinking involved.  However a third  leader in attendance, came away feeling that it had been one of the best meetings to date because there was clear movement forward.  How does that happen?  When it comes to meetings, there’s either too much time Read more about 59. Is your personality showing?[…]

10. Are you self aware?

1. Strengths – we all have them: I was at a leadership meeting the other day where the team needed advice on how to move forward.  We prayed, discussed and I challenged them in several ways, with the result that we ended our time with some clear action points.  Afterwards one of the leaders encouraged me and said, “Stephe, that was so good, it pulled us together, clarified issues and helped us to know the Read more about 10. Are you self aware?[…]

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